Experiencias inolvidables

Descubre Burgos
Tours guiados únicos

Descubre Burgos

Explora la riqueza cultural y arquitectónica de Burgos con nuestras visitas guiadas. Perfecto para turistas y locales, nuestras visitas guiadas son una puerta a la historia, la arquitectura y las tradiciones de Burgos.

Explora la Provincia

Descubre los encantos de la provincia de Burgos, un destino repleto de historia, cultura y paisajes naturales impresionantes.


Burgos en bicicleta

¡Prepárate para una experiencia inolvidable recorriendo Burgos en bicicleta! Acompáñame en un viaje sobre dos ruedas por los lugares más icónicos y pintorescos de Burgos.

Catedral de Burgos

Paisajes naturales

Rutas en bicicleta

Museo de la Evolución Humana

Experiencias inolvidables en Burgos

Desde la impresionante Catedral de Burgos, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, hasta las encantadoras calles del casco antiguo, cada paso de nuestro recorrido es una oportunidad para admirar y aprender sobre la rica historia y el patrimonio cultural de Burgos.

  • Explora la historia y cultura de Burgos

    Sumérgete en el pasado medieval y el legado cultural de Burgos a través de nuestros recorridos guiados.

  • Personaliza tu experiencia en Burgos

    Reconocemos que cada visitante es único, por lo que ofrecemos visitas guiadas personalizadas en Burgos.

  • Burgos a tu alcance

    Nuestras visitas guiadas están diseñadas para ser accesibles y disfrutables para todos.

Lo que nuestros clientes dicen de nosotros

Descubre las experiencias únicas que nuestros visitantes han vivido en Burgos y su provincia. Sumérgete en las historias que han hecho de sus visitas algo inolvidable y déjate inspirar para ser el protagonista de la tuya. Conoce de primera mano por qué somos la opción preferida para explorar la riqueza cultural y natural de esta tierra.

We really enjoyed our trip in northern Spain. Thanks so much for all the perfect arrangements. One of the highlights was our tour of Burgos with Rosalia.

    Willian Ferj

    Rosalia was simply magnificent. She had obviously planned her tour well, and was so engaging. Her enthusiasm was infectious!

      Ann Craveruevo

      Es Tuesday was terrific. Rosalia was a remarkable guide in Burgos with fantastic knowledge and passion about the area and the Cathedral. She kept a group of very critical physicians and spouses truly enamored for the full 2 hours (we had no one leave the group to go off on their own).

        Ken Saag

        We o ffered Rosalia a real challenge: show us the Cathedral without talking about Christianity and clerical things. She showed unlimited flexibility and developed the links between our region, Flanders, and Burgos fantastically! We were glad to be able to invite her for lunch and discussed the subject much further. Memorable tour, and incredably professional and knowledgeable guide.

          Jan Driessen

          Rosalía is as intelligent as she is charming. We came to Burgos to learn about its history and customs. Rosalia patiently explained to us the history of the region and how the city developed. Her explanation of the several chapels was beyond anything we have ever experienced!! We highly recommend you request Rosalia if you are coming to the former "wool center of the world.

            James Giraldin

            Our tour with Rosalia was superb! She was personable, extremely knowledgeable ! I would give her 10 stars if possible!

              Polly Collins

              The best tour guide ever! Rosalie was very informed and enthusiastic. Thank you!

                Paul Pollock

                Rosalía really made the history of the cathedral come alive for us. We enjoyed our time with her very much, and then, she was kind enough to suggest a very good restaurant. She's personable, knowledgeable, and cheerful; we'd definitely recommend her to other travelers.

                  Linda Herring

                  Rosalia was amazing!! We booked her just a few hours before the tour started and she still accommodated our group of 3 She was so knowledgeable about Burgos and the cathedral. We wouldn't have known what we were seeing but she gave us so much information which made it so much more fulfilling Our experience was so wonderful I'd highly recommend her!! Maravillosovo.

                    Ellen Price

                    Descubre la magia de Burgos a través de nuestros tours

                    Sumérgete en una galería de momentos capturados que reflejan la esencia de Burgos y su provincia. Deja que cada imagen te cuente una historia y te invite a vivir la tuya propia.

                    Explorando Burgos: historias y curiosidades

                    Nuestro blog te abre las puertas a las historias, secretos y maravillas de Burgos. Desde leyendas urbanas hasta guías culturales, aquí encontrarás contenido que enriquecerá tu visita y te inspirará a descubrir cada rincón de esta región histórica.

                    Comienza tu aventura en Burgos

                    Estamos aquí para convertir tu viaje en una experiencia inolvidable. Si tienes preguntas o quieres reservar tu tour, estamos a un mensaje de distancia. ¡Da el primer paso hacia tu próxima gran aventura ahora mismo!

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